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Andy Grammer - A Senior Designer & Art Directort
Who Creates Visual Experiences
With ten years of working experience & awards such as ‘the apple design award 2012’, I have had
the luck to work with not only my main hobby in life, but also true talents within the design industry. Talents
from agencies like north kingdom, mccann, psyop, tool, ignition interactive, stopp, mrm worldwide, we like
small, kempertrautmann among others.
the luck to work with not only my main hobby in life, but also true talents within the design industry. Talents
from agencies like north kingdom, mccann, psyop, tool, ignition interactive, stopp, mrm worldwide, we like
small, kempertrautmann among others.
Site Of The Years for Adidas Landing Site
Css Design Awards
Honorable Mention for Listofy Stream Music App
Product Hunt Maker